Friday, 29 November 2013

ADF - Weblogic Timer Error

ADF - Weblogic Timer Error

My Error Stack trace looked something like this:

TimerManager requested: InformationProvisioning@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@tm/AdsTimerManager
TimerManager  obtained: InformationProvisioning@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@tm/AdsTimerManager
WorkManager  requested: weblogic.timers.internal.TimerManagerFactoryImpl$WorkManagerExecutor@b7b91c
WorkManager   obtained: weblogic.timers.internal.TimerManagerFactoryImpl$WorkManagerExecutor@1da10ec'
weblogic.application.ModuleException: Existing timer manager has different work manager.
TimerManager requested: InformationProvisioning@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@tm/AdsTimerManager
TimerManager  obtained: InformationProvisioning@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@InformationProvisioning-IPModel-context-root@tm/AdsTimerManager
WorkManager  requested: weblogic.timers.internal.TimerManagerFactoryImpl$WorkManagerExecutor@b7b91c
WorkManager   obtained: weblogic.timers.internal.TimerManagerFactoryImpl$WorkManagerExecutor@1da10ec

In order to solve this I restarted my Integrated Weblogic Server.

it was caused by me trying to run an application before the previous run initialized.


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Java - Create JAR within Terminal

Java - Create JAR within Terminal

So Myself and Kevin created a class file today and we wanted to create a Jar file using Terminal.

What we did to do this, is we used Terminal.

The short: If you want to create a Jar File:
jar cfe Main.jar Main Main.class

c: create File
f: File
e: Entry Point: The main method

The Format is
jar cfe <Jar File to create> <Class with main method> <classes to include>
You can also use
jar cfe Main.jar Main *.class

So what we initially did was we created the jar file with the "Default Manifest File" which looked like :
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_25 (Oracle Corporation)

As you can see this is missing the Main-Class pointer.

So then we did some more research and found we needed to include the Entry Point, our main method.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_25 (Oracle Corporation)
Main-Class: Main

Our Java code looked like:

public class Main{

 public Main(){
public static void main(String[] args){
  System.out.println("Main method");
  new Main();

#bearMan and theStroud

Monday, 25 November 2013

Java - Compile Through Command Line

Java - Compile Through Command Line

Initially set your path with the syntax

set path=%path%;<path to java>

Mine was:
set path=%path%;"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\"

then to compile the .java to a .class, you need to use javac


javac <Java File>

Mine was:

To Run the Application using terminal, use java (Leave out the .class in the file name)
java SSLSocketClient

Thanks to Kevin for helping me.


Friday, 22 November 2013

ADF - JSTL 1.1 Tags, JSTL 1.2 Tags.

Must choose only one of libraries: JSTL 1.1 Tags, JSTL 1.2 Tags.

To fix this error, right click on your Project View controller, Select Project Properties

Project Properties

Click on Libraries and Classpaths, and in this case I had three duplicates to I selected then all, as I needed none of them, as the library was already included at the top.

I clicked Remove, OK and then I was done.

make sure you don't remove all of these Libraries.

#bearMan, saving you money, putting you first.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

ADF - XML-24521

ADF Compiler "Element not completed: 'task-flow-reentry'"

Warning(5,54): <Line 5, Column 54>: XML-24521: (Error) Element not completed: 'task-flow-reentry'

My Task Flow xml File.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
  <task-flow-definition id="inforClientSearch">
    <default-activity id="__1">Search</default-activity>
    <task-flow-reentry id="__18"></task-flow-reentry>
    <view id="Search">
    <control-flow-rule id="__2">
      <from-activity-id id="__3">Search</from-activity-id>
      <control-flow-case id="__5">
        <from-outcome id="__6">create</from-outcome>
        <to-activity-id id="__4">AddNewClient</to-activity-id>
    <control-flow-rule id="__10">
      <from-activity-id id="__11">AddNewClient</from-activity-id>
      <control-flow-case id="__12">
        <from-outcome id="__14">cancel</from-outcome>
        <to-activity-id id="__13">Search</to-activity-id>

to solve it I took out the

<task-flow-reentry id="__18"></task-flow-reentry>

To make My Task Flow xml file look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<adfc-config xmlns="" version="1.2">
  <task-flow-definition id="inforClientSearch">
    <default-activity id="__1">Search</default-activity>
    <view id="Search">
    <control-flow-rule id="__2">
      <from-activity-id id="__3">Search</from-activity-id>
      <control-flow-case id="__5">
        <from-outcome id="__6">create</from-outcome>
        <to-activity-id id="__4">AddNewClient</to-activity-id>
    <control-flow-rule id="__10">
      <from-activity-id id="__11">AddNewClient</from-activity-id>
      <control-flow-case id="__12">
        <from-outcome id="__14">cancel</from-outcome>
        <to-activity-id id="__13">Search</to-activity-id>

It was caused by an error with when I was working on the "Task Flow Reentry" Behaviour for the task Flow. When I set it back to default, for some reason it did not set it back correctly


Monday, 18 November 2013

OHS - Setting up OHS for Webcenter

Setting up OHS for Webcenter

So your task is simple, setting up OHS for Webcenter?

There is a bit of yes hopefully some more yes.

Firstly, we need to decide whether we are going to use EM or Edit the files directly and are we going to create a virtual host.

My answer to that Question is we can do either, with regards to EM and editing the Files.
With Virtual Hosts, not so much.

If you are going to use EM, I am going to show the Advanced way of adding Webcenter to the OHS install.

When logged into EM, navigate to the OHS install, under the Web Tire Menu on the Left.

Once clicked on there, go to the Menu, Administration, Advanced Configuration.

EM - OHS - Advanced Menu
Edit the mod_wl_ohs_conf file
Advanced Option
Or you can simply navigate to the file which should be stored "WT_ORACLE_HOME/instances/<your_instance>/config/OHS/ohs1/" or equivalent.

(LINUX) You can find the file in linux by typing in terminal -> find -iname mod_wl_ohs.conf

You're file should start with something like this:
# NOTE : This is a template to configure mod_weblogic.

LoadModule weblogic_module   "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"

# This empty block is needed to save mod_wl related configuration from EM to this file when changes are made at the Base Virtual Host Level
<IfModule weblogic_module>
 #      WebLogicHost <WEBLOGIC_HOST>
 #      WebLogicPort <WEBLOGIC_PORT>
 #      Debug ON
 #      WLLogFile /tmp/weblogic.log
 #      MatchExpression *.jsp

Under the:
<IfModule weblogic_module>

You should add something to the effect of this:
<Location /webcenter>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8888
<Location /webcenterhelp>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8888
 <Location /rss>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8888
 <Location /rest>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8888
 <Location /owc_discussions>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8890
 <Location /activitygraph-engines>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8891
 <Location /wcps>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicPort 8891

The format for this should look something like:
<Location /{path}>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicHost {Hostname or IP}
  WebLogicPort {port}


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

SQL Joins -- Visual Representation Part 1

SQL -- Joins My Visual Representation Part 1

My Favorite website I have with regards to this is Coding Horror Blog
and this is my Quick Representation of this.

Here are my two tables with the link being the Foreign key between the two tables.

ID Name Link
1 Bjorn 1
2 Matthew 3
3 Monique
4 Kevin
5 Sean

ID Name
1 Bear
2 Fish
3 Dog
4 Bird
5 Spider

SQL Joins

Select Person.Name, from Person Inner Join on Person.Link = Animal.ID

Inner Join

Bjorn Bear
Matthew Dog

Inner Join Venn Diagram

Select Person.Name, from Person Full Outer Join on Person.Link = Animal.ID

Full Outer Join

Bjorn Bear
Matthew Dog

Full Outer join Venn Diagram

Select Person.Name, from Person left Outer Join on Person.Link = Animal.ID

Left Outer Join

Bjorn Bear
Matthew Dog

Left Outer Join Venn Diagram

Select Person.Name, from Person Right Outer Join on Person.Link = Animal.ID

Right Outer Join

Bjorn Bear
Matthew Dog

Add Some where clauses and you can go from the basic Joins, to some nice complex Results.


Monday, 11 November 2013

Virtual Box: Error In suplibOsInit

Virtual Box: Specify KERN_DIR=<directory>

Today I was trying to run Oracle Virtual Box when an error occured.

This is a step by step guide for me to use, as it worked for me.

Virtual Box Error
I Ran: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup and got another error:

when I went to /var/log/vbox-install.log I got this error:
Makefile:183: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

To fix this error I told my package Manager to install kernel-devel, make, gcc,  gcc-c++, kernel-source, kernel-syms

I used the command "zypper install make gcc  gcc-c++ kernel-source kernel-syms"
The install was about 400MB.

try running "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"

I added my user to the vboxgroup (and it still was not working). <<== Need to check this name

Then I uninstalled everything with virtual box, "zypper rm virt*"

a Nice command was "zypper search virt*"
What I saw from running that was there were many different Virtual Box Applications, and I wanted the oracle one, which was not the basic VirtualBox.

I re-installed Oracle VirtualBox with "zypper install virtualboc-qt"

and then it worked. (Not to sure what the cause of the problem was.)

Remember also add yourself to the vbox user group


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

JDeveloper: Making the most of your IDE, Database Connections

Adding Database Connections within seconds to a new ADF application

When creating new applications, you can simply add new Database connections to the application within a matter of seconds, all you need is the Database Connection already in your IDE.

Open Database Navigator and Click and Drag your Connection onto your Application.

Select the connection you want
Select Connection
Drop the connection onto the applicaiton
Drop Connection Onto Application
 The connection will then be inside the application
Connection in Application


Monday, 4 November 2013

iFactory Consulting End of the Year Present!

iFactory Consulting's amazing end of the year present.

So over the weekend we had our end of the year Function, and it was amazing.

It was located at River Place

View Larger Map
iFactory Year End Invitation
The day started with the whole team socializing, with people catching up from the year and reflecting with each other how the year went.

Lunch was introduced with a couple of speeches; from the execs getting presents, to the iFactorian of the year. With third place being a tie between Arno and Charmaine, Second place to the well deserving, Kevin. First to one of the nicest people I have ever met ,Michelle, who when her name was mentioned was out of breath and speechless. It was really amazing to see some of the hardest working people I know, get what they deserve.

iFactory gave us 1TB hard drives, they were wrapped really nicely all in iFactory gear. It made me feel really special as they not only gave us something we need, being IT people, they gave us something I needed, as not 3 months ago, mine crashed so I really appreciate this.

So to all the people at iFactory Consulting may you all have a wonderful year ahead and thank you so much for the past year, I had a really enjoyable ride. Some tough times, but hey what year has gone by without one hard time. Thank you to the leadership team of iFactory you guys are amazing and an inspiration, and to everyone that works for them, my colleagues and friends you guys are amazing to see, and amazing to work with, some people I really look up towards, not only helping everyone where needed, but also helping me when needed.


Friday, 1 November 2013

JDeveloper: Making the most of your IDE, Quick DB Check

Quick DB Check

Have you every wanted to quickly double check your database is connecting to the correct SID or IP?

All you need to do is, click on Application Resources and expand connections > Database and select the connection you want to check.

#bearMan, save some time :)